A Prayer For All Children Without A Father | In Jesus' With Bible Scripture

A Prayer For All Children Without A Father | In Jesus' With Bible Scripture

A Prayer For All Children Without A Father | In Jesus' With Bible Scripture

Dear Heavenly Father,


We come before you today with heavy hearts, lifting up all the children who are without fathers. We ask for your comfort and guidance for these precious ones, that they may feel your love surrounding them.

You have promised in Psalm 68:5 that you are a father to the fatherless, and in Deuteronomy 10:18, you declare that you defend the cause of the fatherless. We ask that you fulfill these promises in the lives of these children, providing them with the love, protection, and guidance that they need.

May they find strength in the words of Isaiah 41:10, where you assure us that you will uphold and help us. Give them the assurance that you are with them every step of the way.

We also pray for the community around them, that they may be filled with compassion and kindness, and step in to provide support and love. May these children find mentors and role models who can offer them guidance and care.

In Jesus’s name, we pray for the restoration and healing of these children, and we trust in your unfailing love and care for each and every one of them.


